
by Stretch Longfellow

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Ref: Bottom bunk 1 | 2 | Percy's problem


Trying out a new strip format, making it literally a strip as opposed to the page format that I was using previously. There may be small adjustments, but I'm liking this format already! This comic wound up a little late not because of this, but because I forgot to load SketchUp back onto my computer after the reboot... This was drawn using plain ol' pencil and paper because I forgot the iPad at work...

Also, Jorocks, you're a jerk.

Have fun!

~Stretch Longfellow~

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Participant in the 2010 and 2012

Spoofy Randomness and all characters within are © 2009-2013 Stretch Longfellow/Jacob Leuenberger
This comic is a product of Twin Cat Company Productions.
Fonts generously provided through Blambot.
Spoofy Randomness is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.