by Stretch Longfellow |
Ref: Matt Smith Poor Matt... He has no idea what he's dealing with. The spaceship that he is attempting to replicate is, of course, the TARDIS. Obviously, his is not a working model. This is also comical in that it's an alien who Matt thinks is human talking to Matt, who wishes he was an alien Time Lord. I like this comic for the little details, such as the glimpse of Matt's suspenders, the lights, and Chad walking past wondering about Ichabod's clothes. Ichabod clearly doesn't understand everything about which clothes are appropriate for what; it's a good thing Nikki always wears similar things or he'd really be mismatched. Have fun! ~Stretch Longfellow~
Participant in the 2010 and 2012 Spoofy Randomness and all characters within are © 2009-2013 Stretch Longfellow/Jacob Leuenberger This comic is a product of Twin Cat Company Productions. Fonts generously provided through Blambot. Spoofy Randomness is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. |