
by Stretch Longfellow

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I doodled this one for Easter 2009 (again in Macroeconomics). You can see some distinct character differences in this compared to the comic that started a few months later. Nikki was originally going to wear glasses and Jorocks did not have the full beard, for example. I drew Chris several times tossing a Poké Ball, so I substituted an Easter Egg for this one. And no, I have no idea why Jorocks looks so horribly out of proportion.

Have fun!

~Stretch Longfellow~

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Participant in the 2010 and 2012

Spoofy Randomness and all characters within are © 2009-2013 Stretch Longfellow/Jacob Leuenberger
This comic is a product of Twin Cat Company Productions.
Fonts generously provided through Blambot.
Spoofy Randomness is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.